Woodworking is one of the coolest and most interesting hobbies that anyone can start. There are many classes available locally or YouTube can be used to learn how to create specific projects. However, there are many complex projects and in order to avoid getting overwhelmed, you should always start with a few easy woodworking projects. We will look at a few simple but beautiful pieces that can be created by just about anyone with a little research and practice.
One easy project to start with is a bird house. Bird houses are the perfect ornament for any garden or backyard and they not only look beautiful, but provide a safe home for birds in the neighborhood. They are basically small boxes outfitted with one or two entrances/exits so that birds can easily fly in and out.
Another great item to make is DIY wood cutting boards. Cutting boards should be cleaned and sterilized often, however, it is quite difficult, if not impossible to keep them bacteria and germ free. As a result, instead of constantly buying new cutting boards, new ones can simple be made.
All that is required is some untreated wood such as Poplar and cutting board oil. Once the board is cut to the required size, a dremel tool can be used for the edges and corners and sandpaper can be used to completely sand down the board. Once the sanding is complete, the board should be wiped with a wet cloth to remove any remaining dust. Mineral oil can then be applied to the board, with at least 2 – 3 coatings.
Next, a DIY headboard and bed frame are also easy projects to work on. They may seem daunting at first, but are actually quite easy to make. In order to make the headboard, a few items are required such as plywood, foam, batting, washers, wood screws, adhesive and decorative nail heads. The plywood is cut and shaped into the desired headboard size, then the foam is adhered to the board. Then, the battling is laid on the foam where the decorative nails are attached in a pattern.
A DIY bottle opener is an even easier project for those who want to create something a bit smaller, but just as impressive. This is a great gift for men since it is a bottle opener that can be hung or attached to a wall. The opener is attached to a rectangular piece of wood and a container is placed at the bottom to catch the caps as they are removed.
Lastly, a final easy project to try is a DIY bottle vase. This is basically four pieces of wood, nailed together to form a rectangle, however, 3 – 4 holes are made on the top piece. Vases can then be fit into the space below with their necks going through the holes. This is a great decorative piece for flowers or other plants.
These are only a few easy woodworking projects that can be attempted and there are hundreds more. So, be sure to keep improving those skills and then move onto more difficult woodworking projects.